Disabled Sports Eastern Sierra (DSES)
Disabled Sports Eastern Sierra is a volunteer-based nonprofit dedicated to changing the lives of children and adults with disabilities by offering year-round outdoor activities, creating inspiring challenges, providing expert instruction and adaptive equipment, and rallying the community to accommodate people with disabilities. We have adaptive equipment to fulfill everyone's winter and summer dreams. Activities are customized to each individual. Our goal is for everyone to be active year round!

Best Bets for a Great Day on Mammoth Mountain: 10 Must-Haves for Ski School
Helping your child learn to ski or snowboard is a wonderful experience. Make it even easier to leave them at ski school with these 10 must-have essential items.
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Mammoth Lakes Accessibility in the Outdoors
You Belong Here.
It has been proven that being in nature enhances a sense of belonging, and discovering the more sensory elements of an environment has profound positive effects on the human body. The benefits of spending time outdoors range from physical to emotional to spiritual, yet the people who need these benefits most often face a number of barriers.
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