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Trip Advisor Reviews

How to Pack For a Winter Trip to Mammoth Lakes
Whether you're riding fresh groomers or enjoying après ski by the fire, here's everything you need to pack for a winter trip to Mammoth Lakes.
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E‑Bike Etiquette. It’s a Mammoth Thing.
At 8,000 feet, Mammoth Lakes can take your breath away. If you find yourself biking around town and feel like you would love a little extra oomph in your pedal, consider bringing along your e-bike or renting one from one of the many bike shops in town.
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Off Highway Vehicles
Take the Path. Share the Path. It’s a Mammoth Thing.
Multi-use, paved paths in Mammoth Lakes are for everyone.
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8 Places for Winter Hiking in Mammoth Lakes
When you think about hiking, T-shirts and sunscreen may come to mind. But with a few extra layers, hiking becomes the perfect year-round activity.
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